A few of the concrete subcontractor’s men were up on site early this afternoon getting everything ready for some serious work tomorrow. They dropped off a huge bunch of 2 inch rigid insulation and several hundred feet of rebar. I’m very excited to see the action start happening tomorrow.

Me Chilling out with My Sister’s and Andrew’s Puppy. This Little Lady Definitely Failed Service Dog School!
I’ve had a lot of discussion with a few people who’s opinion I value quite dearly. Originally we were planning to forgo a floor drain in the garage because it’s an added expense and not something we have used much in our existing garage. After a long conversation with my uncle Dean this morning I’m convinced that we should definitely get one, if not just for the simple fact of being able to rinse the grime away so that I don’t track it into the house. Initially we thought just sweeping would do, but I think it would be best for the garage/house/people living in it to have a floor drain.
Right now I’m thinking something along the lines of an 18 inch square metal grate that would drop water into a 4 inch PVC pipe that would go out approximately 40 feet into our front yard and empty into a dry well. Does anyone have any thoughts about this or ideas about an awesome yet still cheap way to add a floor drain and keep the inspector happy.
Looking forward to your input!
Go for the floor drain Mike.That would make your new place a number one choice in the event that someone was looking for a venue for a wet T-shirt contest.