This will be a bit of a progress/random catchall update to bring you all up to where the project is at today and talk about a very cool thing that I’ve thought about/designed/bought stuff for, but haven’t mentioned in the blog.
The boys finished laying the insulation this past Wednesday and got to work later in the week strapping the ceilings and hanging sheet rock. It’s been pretty incredible to watch the huge difference half a foot of insulation makes towards keeping heat inside the house. Before, with the rigid insulation on the walls and no insulation in the ceiling the 70,000 BTU silent glow heater could blast away all day long, using 5 gallons of gas in 8 hours, and you could still see your breath. The only hope of me staying warm was to park myself within a few feet of the jet burner and make sure that my pants/shoes didn’t start smoking. Now, you can fire it up for just 30 minutes to an hour and it’ll bring the temperature inside the house up to a cozy warm. Good thing, because I really enjoyed being able to be up there/part of the project again.
Onto the sheet rock. WOW! It’s just getting better and better! They started sheetrocking my family room on Thursday using 12 foot sheets up in the ceiling. You should have seen these things, biggest darn sheet of anything I’ve ever seen, and by how much grunting and thrashing around I’d have to say they weigh the part. Should definitely make things much easier for the mudder and the seems just disappear.
Look how it’s really just bringing everything together and making those unfinished decorative beams really stand out.
Now this thing is going to be so awesome! I still can’t believe the incredible price I got it for off of eBay! Just over 9% of its list price. The Samsung SP-A800B was considered one of the absolute top-of-the-line consumer model DLP projectors back in 2008 and with a little help from a 120 inch screen that will magically’s drop-down from its hidden location in front of the 3 big windows I’ll be able to watch movies/TV/play video games at better than Braden Theater video and sound. I’ve already hooked this up and watched a few movies projected onto my bedroom wall and the results are better than I could have possibly imagined. Who’s watching the Super Bowl at my house?
Back to the sheetrock! They also finished my bedroom, and early next week will begin work on the big vaulted ceilings in the main part of the house. The sheet rock is really bringing everything together. I can’t imagine how it’ll all look with paint and trim.
Now we just need a little luck from the heat gods! Yesterday they managed to finish up all the electrical side of things and I think all that is left is to connect the oil tank, burner, charge the system with water, and fire it up! The pictures still look very similar to the ones I posted earlier in the week so I’ll make you all eagerly wait in anticipation until the boiler room is all finished. Fingers crossed that will be early this coming week.
That’s it for tonight. Everyone have a great weekend!
Guess not… A few previously unposted pictures of a beautiful sunset up on the hill.