Wondering how many of you out there have ever had a moment, when you’re strolling through life breathing in the fresh air, listening to the rustle of the leaves beneath you, as you feel summers last moments of sunshine, and just take a moment and completely loose yourself and think man… Life is good!
I had one of the strongest of these feelings I’ve ever felt yesterday, taking Caleb for a walk on the quiet section of the bike path behind Pine Street where the stream trickles through the culverts. You see, life has made its rather major change that it makes for me each year around this time, when my outdoor adventures slow down, and I move in for hibernation. It’s not that it’s been exactly cold/miserable these last few weeks, but the ole heater inside me just doesn’t work like it used to before my injury. Not like it’s the end of the world, just how it is, so about this time of year I normally mentally give myself up for the long stretch in. That’s what was so beautiful, so absolutely incredible about the last two days. In my mind, I had already come to terms with a goodbye to summer, and was prepared for the long haul into winter, but then out of the blue I’m treated to these absolutely spectacular two days.
But then the conflict inside my head stirs up, I’ve got all this stuff to do. I mean I just made a major overhaul on my website, certain things aren’t working, I need to sell my old van, major projects at the rec center, the home automation still isn’t finished, I need to do this and that. The list of reasons why I could stay inside, stuck behind my computer were endless, and you know, before my injury I would’ve probably put my head down and just forced myself into this oblivious resentment of missing a beautiful day and just forcing on through the monotony. That is the wonderful enlightenment that has come over me the past few years, particularly following my injury.
You see, none of us really know what tomorrow will bring, and to just give up on a wonderful moment today when who knows what’ll happen tomorrow. It’s just ridiculous… it makes no sense… I JUST CAN’T DO IT!!! So what did I do? I told Caleb to go get his leash and had two of the most wonderful afternoons of my entire life. Yes, I’m not exaggerating, they were that amazing. Yesterday, just enjoying the first 70+ degree day I’ve had in close to three weeks, and today the incredible company I shared for a walk around town and lunch at Sorpresso.
Oh, the simple things in life 🙂
Great post Mike!
Thanks Bouey! Too bad you're not making it up here this weekend, but I'll be down your way soon!
Powerful message, Mike. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Can't wait to read more!
Wow Mike, Your updated web site is incredible. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Thanks Bruce! But even more than that thanks for sharing Caleb with me!
For you all you from the outside, Bruce and his family are the ones who raised Caleb for the first 18 months of his life and made him the dog that I treasure. He's absolutely the best dog/companion I could have ever wished for!