December 2010

Designers Block… What a Difference 2 Days Makes

So I had planned to write a very enthusiastic, holy poo-digity is the house ever looking abso-tutely spanktastic, but I started working on a website tonight and got in the darned worst designers block (that’s when you stare at the screen forever trying to come up with
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First Major Snowstorm, More Mud, Speaker Terminals

We had our first major snowstorm of the year and I was right out in the middle of it so that I could enjoy the Monday morning after Christmas with the Michaud boys.  I must be awful dedicated… more like obsessed with this whole house project, because normally when the weather is
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We Be Muddin

The garage is mostly finished, the house warm and somewhat dried out, and the walls ready for some drywall. This week marks the start of the next big step forward with our house as Jerry cracks open the 5 gallon buckets of drywall and starts mudding his way around my bedroom and
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Garage and AV Rack

I decided something tonight… I absolutely despise my father’s new hobby of watching Sunday night football. Thankfully he went skiing today, within the next 30 min (time for food to hit the ole belly) he’ll be passed out on the couch and I can sneak in and turn off the
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Warm Concrete and Nearly Finished Garage

Hey there folks, Not to worry, I haven’t forgotten about you, this blog, or documenting my awesome project. Just had an overwhelming amount of distractions, real-life responsibilities, and overall not so fun stuff to keep me from writing.  What might you say? Let’s
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We Got Heat Today!

I’m sure the mechanical guys are happy today’s over! The morning started with a few finishing touches to the hydronic heat system and then the water district guy showed up to crank the water main on.  I had to laugh as I listened to Gary and Joe (the mechanical guys)
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Sheetrock Started, Still No Heat, Random Update

This will be a bit of a progress/random catchall update to bring you all up to where the project is at today and talk about a very cool thing that I’ve thought about/designed/bought stuff for, but haven’t mentioned in the blog. The boys finished laying the insulation this
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Radiant Heat System

Had planned to write a real lengthy update describing the radiant heat system tonight, but I fell asleep during the recorded lecture of my Business Statistics and Analysis class tonight, so there goes the extra hour I had planned to write about the heating.  Can you believe that
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