February 2013

Sylvania BR30 Ultra LED Lightbulbs

Saving money with Sylvania Ultra LED Lightbulbs

I’m weird!  Okay, we already knew that, so what’s so special about today 🙂 I’m just giddy with excitement about my new LED light bulbs.  As in, every time I turn on the lights I now look up at the ceiling with a big smile on my face and chuckle at all the money I’m saving and how
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  • Ski Racing a Big Rock

Growing up in Small Ski Town USA

My father takes a left-hand turn on to the Graves Road with our rusty old station wagon, as we bump up the dirt road into the parking lot of Big Rock early that Saturday morning. It’s 7:20 AM, more than an hour and a half before the mountain opens for the day, and there are only
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  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat
  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat
  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat
  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat
  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat
  • Fujitsu 15RLS2 Ductless Mini-split Heat

Fujitsu 15RLS2 Heat Pump Installed – My Initial Thoughts

Check it out… our Fujitsu 15RLS2 ductless mini-split heat pump got installed this past Friday!  Initial thoughts… I like it a whole lot, but there are definitely a few things to keep in mind with this technology.  More about this later… first pictures of the install! The Install
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