Wow! The last few days have definitely created the most dramatic change/WOW factor of the whole job. Yesterday morning things were looking nice, they were coming together, but it was still feeling like, you know, things were coming along one day at a time. Well, snap out of it and look what happened in the last day and a half! Holy cow what a difference a spray gun, and some very smart hard working guys can make!
I’ll remind you all of the scene at 7:30 AM, 36 hours ago.
And what have you got?
What a difference 15 gallons… yeah… I said 15 gallons (can you believe it!) of white paint will make. It’s like night and day! Everything is so brilliant, uplifting, and bright now that the white paint has been sprayed all over the ceiling and walls. It’s made such a difference we’ve actually been forced to completely reevaluate our paint choices and go with colors that are a little darker, and hopefully a whole lot warmer. Should really make the white trim standout!
Now on to part two.
This morning I was up there bright and early ready to see what could come next. I was so overwhelmed with what got accomplished yesterday that I should’ve been ready for something equally amazing today, but never would I have fathomed that they’d get all the trim, window boxes, interior doors… EVERYTHING painted with a beautiful semigloss white paint today.
Look at it! There is just stuff lined up everywhere to dry and be ready to put on lickety-split.
Walking into the Main Grand Room: The Bifold Doors
A pretty awesome day! It’s really starting to all coming together now! So excited!
There has been some equally awesome progress with putting colors on the walls of the smaller rooms, but we’re expecting lots more of that to be completed in the next few days. So I’ll leave that material for my next post!
This is looking absolutely amazing!!!!! It will truly be such a beautiful home 🙂
It's close!