It’s Christmas card time! Funny thing, a few years ago I used to think what a pain in the butt it was to send out Christmas cards. I would keep putting it off and off, until eventually they became New Year’s cards or even later. A few years ago something changed and I started looking forward to sending them out. For me, I think it’s the perfect time to tell all the incredible people in my life that I care about them so much, and even though we might be miles apart, or many missed phone calls in between, that I’m still thinking about them and wishing them the best of everything. This year that went a little bit further with my best new bud sending them his happy thoughts as well.
Looking at this list of addresses I’m finding it rather overwhelming to see the huge amount of people who have impacted me so deeply and how diversely spread out they are across the country. From El Paso Texas, to Midlothian Virginia, Salt Lake City Utah, Denver Colorado, Foxboro Massachusetts, Melbourne Beach Florida, Honolulu Hawaii, Cherry Hill New Jersey, Portland Maine, parts of Canada, all over Aroostook County. And who are these people… family members, best friends, nurses/doctors/physical therapists/ski patrols who saved my life and pushed me towards tomorrow, work colleagues who were much more than work colleagues, CCI puppy raisers, the guys who built our house, folks who battled getting their lives back with me at Craig, people who changed my life… who made my life the amazing wonder it is… On and on the list goes… 76 people in total!