I’ve written a couple times about Caleb helping me through the sick/tough days in Caleb Getting Me through the Sick Days and Caleb Saved the Day!, but what really has amazed me is how he acts when somebody else gets sick. Seems the flu bug has attacked our house over the past couple days and completely taken my parents out of commission. This morning, mom stayed home from work, and you know what Caleb did… he laid outside her door all morning, only leaving to come get me and drag me towards her room by my hand, whimpering the whole way.
It’s just incredible; the level of care/compassion of this dog is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
My boy has been restless all morning, but it’s only because he wants us all to be happy and feeling good. Finally, as the day went on, Caleb decided to take a more proactive approach and inched the doorway open with his nose and set up for the longest visit known to dog. Seems that by the time I finally went searching for him, he’d been in the bedroom, standing with his head rested on the mattress looking at my mother with the most precious look on his face. If that couldn’t make a sick person feel better I don’t know what could!
Yet again another example of how Caleb the super dog is the most awesomest animal in the whole wide world! Now if only that flu bug would just skip right on down the street past me. That’s all I want for Christmas!
Mike, Some of that Canine “goodness” is in all of the CCI dogs.(god spelled backward) both Whitney (raised with Caleb) and our new pup “Lipton” show the same traits. When I am having a “blue day” they both will follow me and try to get in my lap to let me know they want me to feel better, lots of licks and love.
Do you think it has anything to do with you and maybe that “goodness” is rubbing off from the puppy raisers :-). Seems not so coincidental that all three of your service dogs have the same “goodness”.